Thursday 6 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 6: 06/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 6

Thursday 06/07/2017

Press Ups

Up Early this morning at 5.45am, got the first 20 done before a 45 sec rest and onto the next 15 before tiring and settling into sets of 10, before the last set of 15.  First 100 knocked out by 6.15am ready to deal with the rest of the day.  It feels like you have already achieved something before the day has already started.

This evening, after tea with the family, I would drop down and do 10 press ups quickly getting to 170.  Decided tonight, that my shoulders and arms were feeling good that I would try for 30 and was surprised to find that I could manage it.

All 200 cleared up by 7.30pm.  Pretty good day today with it.


This morning's weight at 5.45am was 195.4lbs.


Weetabix x 3 - 201cal
Semi skimmed milk 150ml - 74cal
Coffee - 2cal
Banana - 105cal

Coffee - 2cal
Hard boiled egg x 2 - 140cal
Apple - 80cal

Soft brown Thin - 100cal
Breaded Ham 92g - 83cal
Satsuma - 45cal

Coffee - 2cal
MyProtein Impact Whey Protein 2 scoops - 204cal
Apple - 80cal
Coffee - 2cal

Pasta 2oz - 90cal
Chicken Breast Dippers x 8 - 349cal
Corn on the cob - 80cal
Greek Style Yog 200g - 240cal

GOAL              ACTUAL             DIFF
Cal 2,190           1,881                  311
Protein 246g      118g                   -128g
Carbs 137g         220g                   +83g
Fat 73g               62g                     -11g

Good day on the amount of calories, still high on the carbs compared to the protein.  Need to swap some of the fruit out for some protein instead.

See you tomorrow.


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