Sunday 23 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 23: 23/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 23

Sunday 23/07/2017

Press Ups

Day 23 of the 200 press up challenge and another weekend over with.  I'm surprised how quickly this challenge has gone, it is almost the end of July already!

The report for today is pretty short and simple really, all my press ups were done this afternoon when the kids were out, once again broke it down into 8 sets of 25 reps.  I've done this the last few days and I'm already feeling it being easier doing this set routine.  At the start I would be struggling for the last couple of sets, but not today.  I think next week I'll be upping it to set of 27 or even 30.  I would feel a great sense of achievement if I could get to doing 30s by the end of the week.

See you tomorrow,


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