Saturday 15 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 14: 14/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 14

Friday 14/07/2017

Press up

Day 14 of the challenge to do 200 press ups every day for the month of July. 2 full weeks now of constantly doing press ups. Pretty proud that I've managed it.

I talked yesterday about the benefits of doing exercise first thing in the morning rather than late at night which will improve deep sleep.

So that's what I did I got all 200 done pre 6.30am which was hard work shoulders were tired by the end. The proof of this works will be tonight and how well I sleep.

This weekend the family are away camping in the Langdales, a beautiful part of the Lake District.

So next couple of days I'll try and do some pres ups in some interesting spots.

See you tomorrow


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