Tuesday 18 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 17: 17/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 17

Monday 17/07/2017

Press Ups

Day 17 back to the usual work week schedule of the press ups for the 200 press up challenge for every day in July.

Up at 6am and managed to get 120 out, was going for 200 but ran out of time.  Did 4 sets of 20 press ups before going back to sets of 10.  I can definitely see my strength improving and getting more and more sets of 20's done.

I had a school Governors meeting in the evening which means home late.  This delayed the remaining 80 press ups which I'm trying to stop doing.  I would prefer to get as many of the 200 done first thing.

So once tea was had I was down on the floor getting the remaining 80 rounded off before the new season of GAMES OF THRONES!! started.  9pm all polished off ready for some R&R.


Back to the weighing in, weight at 6am was 203.2lbs

See you tomorrow,


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