Tuesday 11 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 11: 11/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 11

Tuesday 11/07/2017

Press Up

Day 11 of the challenge.  Feeling a good 75% of myself today, hacking cough is reducing slightly, but I've had to quarantine myself in the corner in work so I don't spread my disease around everyone.

Unfortunately this morning I didn't manage to get any press ups in as planned, because the baby woke up at 5am.   I wanted to get some in this morning as I knew my schedule was busy, from work I was heading straight in to a governors meeting, which means home quite late.

So by the time I got home from the meeting it was 9pm and I hadn't eaten.  A quick sandwich tonight and my 200 press ups.  Cough must be improving as I wasn't gasping for breath at the end of each set, and I managed to get 25 press ups out on the first set.

So all 200 press ups done by 9:45pm!  11 days down only 20 to go.

See you tomorrow,


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