Wednesday 19 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 19: 19/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 19

Wednesday 19/07/2017

Press ups

Day 19 of the 200 press up challenge.  Yesterday I had planned to get up at 5.45am and get all 200 done pre work.  Unfortunately my 1 year old didn't get the memo.  She had her next round of jabs yesterday so had a fairly unsettled night, and my brilliant wife took the brunt of this soothing her and keeping her calm.  It has had an effect on her as she is sleeping on the spare bed as I type this. 

But my wife needed to start to get ready at 5.30am so baby responsibility shifted onto myself.  Meaning I got the grand total of 0 press ups done this morning.

All 200 were done this evening after work, but actually really please with myself on this 200 and have taken it as quite a moral boost.

Did the first 100 in 4 sets of 25, then the second 100 I did 3 sets of 30 and 1 set of 10.  I think this shows quite a bit of progress so far in this challenge, from 19 days ago when I start my first set on 25 and quickly went down hill after that!!!

Hopefully I can get them in early tomorrow and retain this level of reps.  It would definitely make me more efficient.

See you tomorrow,


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