Tuesday 4 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 4: 04/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 4

Tuesday 04/07/2017

Press Ups

Day 4 of the challenge, so far so good, hopefully with the consistent approach it will get easier.

Up at 6am again this morning to get the first of the 100 in before the kids awake.  The 10 sets of 10 reps with 1 min rest worked out well the last couple of days, so I went with this method again.  This worked out for the first 80 press ups then the baby began to wake so, I steeled myself and managed through very shaky arms to get the last 20 out in one go.  Meaning I got my first 100 done by 6.30am.

I had planned to get my second 100 done in the evening after work, but as I was working from home this morning, I decided to sporadically throughout the course of the morning to do my press ups.  This would have looked pretty odd in the office! But fine for home.  This has meant I've done all 200 press ups pre lunch, I'm hoping that this gives me a bit more rest time for tomorrows 200!


Coffee - 2cal
Quaker Oats Original Big Bowl - 254cal
Mixed berries - 70cal

Crunchy Peanut Butter - 128cal
Greek Style Natural Yoghurt - 250g - 300cal
Coffee - 2cal

Honey Roast Ham 4.5 slices - 86cal
Soft Brown Thins 1 - 100cal

MyProtein Impact Whey Protein Raspberry Flavour 2 scoops - 204cal

Cooked Pasta 3oz - 135cal
100% Beef burger 2 - 478cal
Peas - 67cal
Sweetcorn - 75cal

Greek Style Natural Yoghurt - 100g - 120cal
Mixed berries - 70cal

GOAL                   ACTUAL    DIFFERENCE
Calories 2,190       2,091           99
Protein 246g          148g            98g
Carbs 160g             137g           -23g 
Fat 73g                   93g              -20g


Diet has gone better today, I do believe me writing about it is making me think about my choices more.  I've boiled up some eggs for tomorrow, this will boost my protein with keeping my carbs down which is my biggest issue.


Todays weight at 6am was 203.4lbs.

It just shows how much weight can change, yesterday I was 200.2lbs, I really don't think I've put on 3.2lbs through yesterday!!!

I'll keep putting my weight on here and over time there should be a slow consistent drop.


This afternoon, I decided to do a 15minute HIIT workout, the weather outside isn't great so did this workout instead. 

I went onto YouTube and did The Body Coach's 15 minute Full Body Dumbbell HIIT Workout:


It was a series of exercises done for 40 sec with 20 sec rest, all exercises done 3 times.  Great workout, the set of 1 legged burpies was a killer!  I don't like doing burpies at the best of time, so wasn't best pleased with doing 1 legged versions, but id definitely got the burn going and the HR up.

Let us have your feedback on my progress to date, love to hear if you have any other suggestions for HIIT workouts.

See you soon,


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