Monday 31 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 31: 31/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 31

Monday 31/07/2017

Press Ups

Final day of the challenge! Day 31! It has finally arrived.

I went big for my first set, tried to get as many as I possibly could, my eldest daughter and wife had a bet, my daughter said I could to 110 (ever the optimism of a 5 year old) and my wife said 56.

I got....55, before collapsing in a heap on the floor! This was followed by my daughter jumping on my back and me doing 5 more. I then broke it down into the usual 20 rep sets.

I'm pretty proud of that achievement, when I started I could barely do 25, and by the end I've managed to more than double this effort.

Looking Back

The past month of July has had it's ups and downs and up again and back down (sorry bad press up joke!).

I've done 6,200 press ups over the last 31 days.  Most have been done in the spare bedroom, but I've completed 400 while camping in the rain in Great Langdales, 600 when pretty ill and didn't want to do anything except sleep, 15 with a heavy 5 year old sat on my back, 100 in Grizedale Wood.

Lessons Learnt

One of the key lessons is perseverance.  Needing to keep on going through the pain and sometimes boredom that can come with a repetitive task.

I'm glad that I persevered throughout the challenge, towards the end of the challenge I was excited about doing them, how many could I do in one go today? How quickly can I get them done?

Next Steps

Well the press up challenge is done, what is the next challenge?  I think I will be attempting a plank challenge, each day hold a plank pose until failure.  How's up for joining me and sharing their successes?

I think I'll carry on doing a few press ups every day as well, just to keep the strength there.

See you tomorrow,


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