Wednesday 26 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 26: 26/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 26

Wednesday 26/07/2017

Press Ups

26th day of the challenge sees the same method I've used the last few days in a bid to complete my daily 200 press ups.

Once again broke that bad boy up into 6 sets of 30 reps and finished off with a 20.  Wrist is still aching towards the end.  I shouldn't be surprised essentially I've done 5200 press ups in the last 26 days.  That is the equivalent of doing just of 8 press ups every hour for 26 days!

Tonight I finally got out for a run.  I haven't run in ages and really wanted to get out.  I'm a bit disappointed with myself as after I completed the ultra marathon I said that I wanted to continue with that fitness level and carry on running long distances.  But unfortunately I didn't keep to it.

With a half marathon in September I need to get my training in.  So tonight I ran around town, doing 3.2 miles in 34 minutes, pace of 10:22min/miles and an elevation gain of 289 ft.

See you tomorrow,


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