Tuesday 18 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 18: 18/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 18

Tuesday 18/07/2017

Press ups

Day 18 of the challenge to do 200 press ups every day throughout the month of July. 

Fairly standard day, up at 6am and managed to get 120 done again.  Once again didn't get that 200 I had planned and hoped for.  Need to set the alarm for 5.45am tomorrow, but that's pretty early let's hope the baby gets a good night sleep!!!!

I was pleased I managed to get 5 sets of 20 out this morning, with only the last 2 sets requiring sets of 10 reps.

Remaining 80 were done once I had put the kids to bed, which seemed to take for ever tonight.  This means I've done them later than planned.  I talked last week about trying to get exercise done am, leaving the late pm free of exercise.  As doing exercise late in the evening can reduce the amount of deep sleep you have and therefore actually inhibit your recovery.

I know the theory just need to apply the practical.


Wight this morning at 6am was 201lbs.

See you tomorrow, hopefully bright and early!!


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