Sunday 30 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 29: 29/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 29

Saturday 29/07/2017

Press Ups

Day 29 of July's 200 press up challenge, just 2 more days to complete the challenge.

Being a Saturday, I wasn't getting up early to do the press ups instead I had a lie in until 7am, when my daughter woke up.

After a day doing family bits and pieces and catching up on some R&R decided to go out for a short 2 mile run in town, before returning to do the press ups.

Over the last few days I have been doing 150 broken down into various sets first, having a long break before coming back to have a blast at 1 set of 50.  Yesterday was the first time I succeeded in completing all 50 in one set.

Because I would have chance to do this type of split, I decided to go for the 1 set of 50 first and then carry on with the remaining 150.  Running high on confidence from the day before I set off on the 50........only to fall short and fail at 40! I'm putting it down to the run before I did the press ups.

I then did sets of 20's to get me through to the end, fair to say that the arms and shoulders were pretty tired by the end.

Think I won't attempt the 50 tomorrow, so on the last day I will be fresher to attempt to see how many I can do in 1 go.

See you tomorrow,


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