Sunday 30 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 28: 28/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day

Friday 28/07/2017

Press Ups

Rolling on from my success of yesterday's attempt on the 50 I thought I would give it another go today.

So again up at 5.45am and did 150 press ups before 6am, this was broken down into 6 sets of 20 and a set of 30, a good way to start off the 28th day of the challenge.

Once I finally I got in from a very long day at work, I got down and did the full 50 press ups in 1 go!!! That is twice the number I could do at the start of this challenge!!  I am so pleased that I managed it.  I wasn't sure if I could arms felt shaky at the 45 mark but I powered through and got to the 50.

Hopefully I can replicate it tomorrow!!!

See you tomorrow,


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