Friday 21 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 21: 21/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 21

Friday 21/07/2017

Press Ups

Day 21 of the 200 press up challenge.  Just 10 more days left to go.  I'll have to think of another challenge for August, any suggestions?

Today I part commuted into work on the bike so I wasn't planning an early session on the press ups.  I had planned to get up early and get into work early.  I drive about 20 miles to work, park up and cycle the final 10 or so miles into the office.

I find this a great way to get an extra piece of training in to a busy day.  The final 10 miles are pretty busy heading into Carlisle, so I'm only getting in 10 to 15 min later than I otherwise would, I save on petrol as well.  So all and all a good deal.

The morning ride in was great a nice tail wind over the 10 miles meaning I averaged 16.1mi/h, with a max of 28mi/h.

Came a slightly different way back to the car on the end of the day commute, avoiding the main roads as much.  Had a head wind for a good portion of the 11.2 miles, but by far a nice journey.  Even with the head wind averaged 16.2mi/h and a max of 30.2mi/h.

On the press up front, did these watching the Tour de France while the wife put the little ones to bed.  10 sets of 20 reps with a minute rest in between.

Off to Glasgow Velodrome tomorrow for a session which is going to be good fun.

See you tomorrow,


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