Thursday 27 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 27: 27/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 27

Thursday 27/07/2017

Press Ups

Day 27 of the July press up challenge.

Was up nice and early today, started my press ups at 5:45am! My plan for today was 150 this morning and then try and get 1 set of 50 in this evening.  I knew if I tried to do the 50 first thing I would struggle with the next 150.

So I repped out the 150 this morning in 6 sets of 20 and 1 set of 30, struggled this morning, I assume because my shoulders were tired from last nights press ups. 

Anyway, this evening I went for the 50.  I fell slightly short at 44, literally my arms and shoulders gave out on me and I face planted into the floor.  But still 44 in one go!!  So people might read this and think 44 press ups, no problem I can do that.  But for me that has taken a lot of work and a lot of press ups to get to that point.  Once my arms recovered I quickly finished off the remaining 6 to get to the magic 200.

I might have another go tomorrow night at the 50, fingers crossed I'll get it!!!

See you tomorrow,


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