Monday 3 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 3: 0307/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 3

Monday 03/07/20107

Press Ups

Day 3 of the challenge and the first real day in which I have to fit this challenge in with work and family life.

Up at 6:10am this morning to get the first 100 in before work and with the planned second 100 in after work.

I broke the session down in to 10 press ups X 10 sets with a 1min rest in between.  This was mainly for my stomach/abs that were still aching.  Arms were a little bit shaky on the reps but managed to get all 10 done by 6.30am.

Big help this morning was having my gym shorts and t-shirt on the side to put on straight away, so I was changed and ready to go. No excuses.

Busy day in work, travelling all around the county, after my last meeting finished at 5.30pm down in Kendal, I decided to stop on the way home and get a run in.  I did a 3.5 mile run from Staveley to Ings and back.

Staveley is a lovely village and well worth a village, for the artesian bakery ( , Wheelbase Cycle ( and Hawkeshead Brewery (

Check out GO Cumbria's Instagram Page ( where I posted a couple of photos of my run.

When I got home, I did the same plan as this morning 10 reps x 10 sets 1 minute rest.  I did this in between cooking food and seeing the kids.


Coffee - 2cal
Quaker Oats Original Big Bowl - 254cal
Mixed berries - 70cal

Apple - 80cal
Paleo bar Macadamia Coconut 212cal
Coffee - 2cal

Coffee - 2cal
Brown thins x 2 - 200cal
Apple - 80cal
Honey Roast Ham 4 slices - 76
Salad - 24cal

Myprotein Impact Whey Protein 2 scoops - 205cal
Banana - 105cal
Satsuma - 45cal

Cooked pasta 4oz - 180cal
Homemade Curried chicken breast and veg - 320cal

GOAL                       ACTUAL
Calories 2190            1859
Protein 246g              148g
Carbs 137g                256g
Fat 73g                       63g


Today I was under, I know it is important to eat the right amount of calories, and not to starve yourself.  I need to look at swapping some of my carb calories into protein calories.

Todays wright at 6am was 200.2lbs.

See you soon


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