Thursday 13 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 13: 13/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 13

Thursday 13/07/2017

Press Ups

Day 13 of the challenge, and the best laid plans of mice and men, gang aft a-gley, as Robbie Burns would say! Planned to do 100 first thing this morning, alarm set nice and early 5.45am, baby alarm went off at 5.30am!!!!!  Meaning daddy could only get 50 in this rather than full 100 I had planned.

Never mind, means that the remaining 150 had to be done tonight.  Luckily I had my daughter helping counting them for me and then us practising her maths so win-win all around.

But listening to a podcast on the way between meetings today (living in Cumbria can mean long drives between meetings!!), raised an interesting dilemma.  The podcast was about getting good sleep, and one point that came up was that doing physical exercise at 7pm you will get 1 hour less deep sleep than you would do if you exercised at 7am.  Meaning that exercising first thing in the morning gives you more deep sleep, producing more testosterone (for men) which helps you recover faster.  So on that basis, it's probably not ideal me finishing my press ups so late.  If I can I really should be doing all 200 first thing in the morning.

Really interesting pod cast check it out at;

See you tomorrow,


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