Thursday 20 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 20: 20/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 20

Thursday 20/07/2017

Press ups

Day 20 of the 200 press up challenge, just 11 more days left.

Pretty short and sweet update on today's blog.  Baby and me have been up since 4.45am, as well as numerous times over night, remnants of her immunisation jabs, lets hope she has a decent nights sleep tonight, I think we all need it!

So as you can imagine none done this morning, all done once I had put the kids to bed.  Split up quite simply 10 sets of 20 press ups with 1 min rest.  Seeing an improvement now on the ease of doing this number.  Maybe by day 30 I'll be knocking out 40 or even 50 reps at a time?! Who knows.

Catch you tomorrow,


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