Tuesday 18 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 16: 16/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 16

Sunday 16/07/2017

Press Ups

Day 16 of the challenge saw us packing up our tent from our weekend camping in the Langdales and setting off to Wray Castle (https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/wray-castle).  Me with grand plans of getting some photos of me doing press ups in the castle, being a beautiful day it would have been great.

Unfortunately on the way to the castle my wife hits a sharp kerb stone on one of the small back lanes half a mile from Wray Castle, shredding the front tire.  Quickly pull into a passing place, get the spare out and the jack, but the locking nut on the tire is worn away and won't fit on! Disaster.  Call Green Flag, who's computer system is down and they are doing everything manually.  Luckily we had both cars with us due to logistics with children. 

My wife didn't want to drive my car just in case she hit anything again, so decided to wait for Green Flag to turn up, who when finally arrived said exactly what we had already told them that the locking nut can't come off so had to send for a tow-truck. Long and short of it, the wife sat in the sunshine in her car down a country lane for the majority of Sunday, while I went to Hawkehead with the kids. 

So all 200 press ups were completed once I got back home, while catching up with the Tour de France.

Quite an eventful day all and all.

See you tomorrow,


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