Tuesday 18 July 2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 15: 15/07/2017

July Press Up Challenge Day 15


Press Ups

A wet and windy Saturday in the Langdales so the 15th instalment of the 200 press up challenge.

With friends around and egged on and one saying they could easily do 200 it brought in a slight challenge.  "lets just do sets of 25!", he quickly realise that he couldn't sustain 25.  Especially when children started climbing onto your back.

Now as much as I love my daughter she is heavy! She is far from fat or anything like that but just solid, and while our children are of the same age, they weigh very differently.  I managed to get 10 out with my daughter on my back, which is a good 4 stone extra weight.  John could only get 2 out when my daughter went onto him.

With the 2 dads going for it the 3rd felt left out and joined in as well for the last set of press ups in the 100.

I completed my 100 only to find out John had only done 80 and James had done 25.  As I finished the first 100 the heavens opened and we quickly got under the gazeebo.

The second set of 100 were done after I put the baby to sleep in the tent.  Luckily we have a good size tent which allowed me to do them without disturbing her.

200 done, even when camping in the wet!!

See you tomorrow,


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